President’s Desk

President & Chief Executive
Siva Sivani Group of Institutions
The journey of this giant called Siva Sivani over the last more than half a century, from the 3rd of August 1961 to be exact, has been on a meandering path, but always uphill. Guided by the founder, who always chose the less trodden pathways and more often than not dared to begin a trail in wilderness, Siva Sivani has always dreamed big and lived those dreams successfully. Life is a challenge. This challenge must be accepted. Everyone has to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses. Strengths should be fortified and weaknesses should be eliminated. Identify and exploit the opportunities available and thus rise to the occasion, meet the challenge, fulfil the purpose and achieve the objective.
Discipline reveals divinity. I would like to make it clear that we insist on discipline. I firmly believe that without proper discipline, nothing consequential can ever be achieved. With this virtue, others invariably follow.
The S P S High School took roots in the year 2000, to cater to the much-needed school level education of the surrounding habitat with about 150 students. Two decades later, it has become a school with about 1400 students. This testifies our commitment to quality education. Change, it is said, is the only constant in progress and we at Siva Sivani have constantly been keeping pace with change, even during the pandemic, setting a new phase in the education system.
I wish you the very best and welcome you to quality education at a faster pace, moving away from rote learning and help realize your dreams.